J&J Visuals



“Hello! It is so nice to meet you.”

We are a photography/videography duo located in Westfield, Indiana. Whenever we aren’t taking photos of life’s most precious moments, you can find us sitting by a fire, hiking the trails of many state parks in Indiana and the surrounding areas, going to concerts, making music, taking care of our beautiful daughter (and her three siblings with paws), or hanging out with friends and family.






Hello! I am one of the halves that make up the J&J Visuals team!

I have had a passion for photography/creating ever since I was a little girl. I have picture after picture album of photos that I took with the numerous different cameras my family would gift me for birthdays, holidays, etc. I decided to pursue photography full time because after I was blessed my beautiful daughter Keira Nova, I wanted the creative freedom as well as the freedom to make my own schedule and spend as much time with her as I can while she grows up. The fact that I get to make people feel good about themselves every day all while capturing the most important moments in everyone’s lives makes me the happiest lady ever!





Hello! I am the other half of the J&J Visuals Team!

My name is Joshua aka Page Tompkins! If you can’t find me snapping pictures of momma and my little girl you can catch me behind my drum set, on a backpacking trip, or hanging out with my family. I decided to purse photography full time after working a 9-5 for years, and after having our daughter Keira, I wanted to be able to give her the life that she deserves where mommy and daddy can be as present as possible all while doing a job that I love as well!


